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Warm Candlelit Yin & Sound Bath

21 Canadian dollars

Yin is long held postures that look to release tension in the connective tissue of the body, to balance the energetic system, increase flexibility and allow us to look deep within. In this Yin and Yang class we’ll create gentle movement or sometimes flow through gentle sun salutations to warm up the body and then we’ll make our way to the Mat to rest and integrate the work with Yin. Calling us to observe, allow and surrender to the sensations and emotions that are released from deep inside the body by staying connected to a deep breath, a steady mind, and a courageous heart. This class is offered in a warm room and followed by a long Savasana and Sound bath.

Upcoming Classes

Cancellation Policy

Drop-in classes and Friday Night Magic classes can be cancelled or rescheduled up to 5 hours prior to the start time by logging into your account. No refunds or class credits are issued if you sign up but do not attend. * Late comers will not be admitted.* Workshops can be cancelled 24 hours prior to the start time by logging into your account. No refunds or class credits are issued if you sign up but do not attend. Healing Sessions can be cancelled or rescheduled up to 24 hours prior to the start time by logging into your account. No refunds or credits are issued if you schedule a session but do not attend.

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